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In-depth analysis of the Toronto Maple Leafs from the leading Leafs-centric website.

Projecting James Reimer

According to the good folks at Sports Club Stats the Toronto Maple Leafs have approximately a 5 percent chance of making the playoffs.  Yeah,...

Can’t Stop This Ephesian: Kaberle, Versteeg and The Plan

What man that sees the ever whirling wheel Of Change, the which all mortal things doth sway, But that thereby doth find, and plainly feel, How Mutability...

By the Numbers: Joffrey Lupul

In the aftermath of yesterday's trade with the Anaheim Ducks, in which Joffrey Lupul joined the Toronto Maple Leafs, many fans expressed concern over...

Beauchemin Hits the Road: Happy Trails for Leafs Fans?

Just finished watching the Brian Burke press conference on my PVR (damn our angry Irish overlord for choosing afternoon drive time to play Meet...

We’re Going Streaking!!!

No the Toronto Maple Leafs are not trying to reacquire Jiri Tlusty but they are quickly turning into one of the streakiest teams in...
Clarke MacArthur

At the Half: A Look at Pre-Season Expectations vs Current Pace

The Maple Leafs have reached the halfway point of the season on a tear, winning five of six games to kick off 2011 in...

The Value of Beauch

Rightly or wrongly, the big minute logging shutdown defenceman can be a thankless job in the world of hockey and the reason is simple....

Burke-Enomics, Komisarek “Outs” and a Phaneuf Mandate?

Brian Burke has been oft-criticized for various moves since beginning his tenure as the GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs but after witnessing the...

A Statistical Breakdown of Brett Lebda—s Performance So Far

Quick note: Complications resulting from increased university work, my job and sickness have combined to prevent me from doing any articles recently. The good...

Talking Points

31 games and a 12-15-4 record into the season, the struggling Maple Leafs find themselves the subject of several hotly-contested debates over many facets...
Jonas Gustavsson

Leafs Must Continue To Battle

You can never give up hope especially with 51 games remaining in the NHL schedule but with the Toronto Maple Leafs currently eight points...

State of the Nation: Skaters

(Toronto — Gus Katsaros) I tried to put together something that leads to the state of the Leafs, but it gets pretty intense and...

Phaneuf Returns, Now What?

The big question that will need to be answered by Ron Wilson and company over the next couple of games is who sits?  With...

History Not On Maple Leafs Side

To quote the legendary Jim Mora, You kidding me?  Playoffs?  I just hope we win another game!  As the Leafs struggle to find ongoing...

How far are the Leafs from the Playoffs?

Goal difference vs. Points - A simple statistical analysis by MLHS' Great Dane (written before the weekend games) There has been some talk on the site...

Maple Leafs Organization Making Net Gains

Forgive Leafs fans for being a little cautious with their optimism these days as it relates to net gains between the pipes for the...

Leafs Have Some Bright Spots Too

During the doom and gloom of a lengthy losing streak it can be easy to focus only on the negative aspects of a hockey...

Why Not Us, Why Not Now?

It is a popular war cry teams will make when in the midst of an unlikely or unexpected championship run.  But what exactly is...

Is Ron Wilson Really To Blame?

With the typical (and expected) Fire Ron Wilson sentiment being thrown around after another tough loss (now five in a row) I thought I...

Luke Schenn’s Next Contract

Relief, that—s the feeling I get when watching our young and improving defenseman Luke Schenn night in and night out this season.  Oh admit...

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