
Hey guys, I’d like to start off by thanking Alec Brownscombe for this fantastic opportunity and share my enthusiasm and excitement regarding this great new venture. I hope this is just the beginning of something very special, and for myself, the start of a long love affair with hockey writing.

For those who don’t know, my name is Alex Tran, but I’m better known to my fellow “hockeybuzzards” (love that term Alec!) as Acekicker123. I’m a 2nd year university student, and only 19 years of age, but the magic of writing is that your age doesn’t matter, only the words you choose.

I’ve been in love with hockey since I was a 6 year old all-star street hockey goalie. The defining moment of my career came when as 3rd graders, I backstopped my team to a 3-0 lunch recess shutout of the 6th graders! After that, I simply got swept up in the enthusiasm and passion of the Cujo and Eddie the Eagle eras of the Leafs playoff runs and I’ve never looked back.

A little over a decade later, here I am.


For those of you who know me as a poster, you’ve all had a taste of my writing style already. I’ve got some fun and interesting plans for this column, as Alec mentioned, primarily focussing on prospects and statistical breakdowns of all things Leafs.

For now, feel free to send me any questions, comments, or suggestions. Being just 19 years old, I can’t claim to have been there with the majority of you guys for all the ups and the downs of the past, but I’m looking very forward to some great moments together both for the site and for the Leafs during the coming seasons.

It’s been a pleasure,

Alex Tran

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Alex has been a part of the original MLHS team since way back in 2008. He has contributed to the 2009-12 Maple Leafs Annuals with a special interest in junior hockey and player development.